Penn UI Conference & HTML 5

Penn UI Conference

I’m speaking at the upcoming Penn UI Conference July 21 & 22 in Philadelphia this year. It’s a great conference with a high profile history of speakers, so I was definitely honored to have been asked to contribute.

My talk will be on HTML 5, and loosely based on my Smashing Magazine article: HTML 5 and the Future of the Web. I’ll be up there for close to an hour and a half, so I’m hoping to cover a lot of the ins and outs of HTML 5.

Much like I did in the article, I’ll be talking about the new elements, APIs, use cases and probably touch on Mobile as well.

Official description

HTML 5 and the future of the Web will explore the new monster on the block, HTML 5. It will present a broad overview of the new structural elements you’ll be dealing with, various APIs built into the language, and what you can expect to encounter as you move forward with HTML 5.

We’ll talk about how it is currently being implemented, how it may be implemented in the future, and how HTML 5 can create a more personalized and enriched experience across multiple platforms while saving development time.

We’ll also look into ways you can start using HTML 5 right now, what you can do to prepare for the transition and how we can apply some of those methods to academia.

People smarter than me

There’s a huge speaker list for the conference, the likes of which include:

I won’t list them all, but they have a full list of speakers if you want. A lot of great minds will be there. I’m looking forward to not only speaking, but also attending. Should be a great time.

Hope to see you there.