Scalable Design Teaser

I want to tell you a story about 95% of design work currently being outputted for the Web and why it doesn’t scale.

First off, I feel like I need to explain what a scaling design is exactly. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense since the term “scalability” is tied pretty closely to back end work. When you hear it you think of large elaborate databases, PHP frameworks, cloud computing and high traffic web sites. Not this time though; the scalability of a web site based on traffic, has little or nothing to do with the actual design comp. Of course your code needs to be efficient, but what about your designs?

If I promised you that overall development time can be cut in half with a little forward thinking, would you be interested in something like that? I know I would.

It’s not desktop vs. mobile.
It’s not designing mobile-first.
It’s not responsive Web design.

It’s knowing how to design a scalable web site, a skill that for some reason is escaping many of us… stay tuned for the story.